
Friday, 23 November 2018

Kawa of care

Today I've been learning about kawa of care and what I need to do when I am working.
Next time I can work on doing these stuff when I am working.

Friday, 31 August 2018

procedure writing

this week in writing I learned how to create a procedure writing.

  • equipment/ingredient
  • Title
  • Simple/direct statements
  • Broken into steps
  • Easy to understand
  • Number your steps in order
  • Action words

                How to create a google doc

  • Step one . Turn on your chromebook
  • Step two. Sign in
  • Sep three. Open your drive
  • Step four. Press new botton,
  • Step five. Press google docs
  • Step six. Name your doc
  • Step seven. Press the file button next to the star.
  • Step eight. When you press the file button then file it.
  • Step nine. Press anywhere in the white space
  • Step ten. When you press the white area then you write.

I found this task easy because you only have to write steps and things you need to use. I think I need to work on enplaning more information about the steps. The most challenging part was doing the steps because I had to think about the steps and which steps you've done. I would like to know about

Monday, 25 June 2018

graphic art

Graphic art is an awesome art to do, I learned how to use lines to outline and color the face or picture. I also learned how to use format options and use transparency and look at the picture while I am using the lines to make the image. When I was using the lines I could use it better and could shade better. This was hard because I had to put more lines and more detail on this picture. Next time I could try to finish this task faster and try to do another one.

Thursday, 10 May 2018

ASB get wise

Today I learned about getting wise when it comes to money. I learned to sped an amount of money when it comes to a holiday. Jaden was talking about how you can save from little amount of money in days, and terms, and was talking about how to spend smart when it comes to holiday. 

Next we played a game about going on a holiday, Before we played Jaden got us into 3 big groups. Then when we were playing the game, my group was talking about what to use, cash or credit card so then we used our credit card 3 times and got a point. 

Finally my group and group 2 tied so then Jodie and Melbourne rock paper succors and the second group won and we lost.